Recommended ReadsJanuary 19th, 2021
Using breathing techniques to create an optimal mental state
I recently watched a fascinating talk by neuroscientist Dr Andrew Huberman on how to optimise brain performance with breathing exercises. As part of his studies, Dr Huberman found that once people’s heart rate reaches above 150bmp they stop thinking clearly.
He wanted to understand how people can regulate and maintain optimal decision making while in this high state of physiological arousal.
Dr Huberman describes the optimal mental state for effective functioning as ‘alert and calm’ He gives the following simple breathing techniques for bringing your arousal state to that calm, alert centre:
To increase arousal (energy) the emphasis is on the inhale. Inhale 2, hold 2, exhale 1, hold 1, repeat multiple times (2:2:1:1)*
To equilibrate arousal (calm focus), use balanced respiration, also known as ‘box breathing’. Inhale 2, hold 2, exhale 2, hold 2, repeat (2:2:2:2)*
To decrease arousal, bringing the heart rate down, the emphasis is on the exhale. Inhale 1, hold 2, exhale 2, hold 1, repeat (1:2:2:1)*
- Note, these are ratios not seconds – the timing depends on your own capability.
So whether you need to increase attention, create calm focus or bring your heart rate down, there is a simple breathing technique to help – try it for yourself.