Recommended ReadsJanuary 19th, 2021
Setting intentional work rules and routines

The start of any year is a time of reset and renewal, but even more so this year. People returning to a shared office may be wanting to protect work rhythms they’ve developed at home, or improve practices while continuing to work remotely.
It’s an ideal time to set new rules and routines to enable your best work.
This article gives tangible suggestions from the writer’s own life, such as:
- Schedule two uninterrupted deep-work sessions, each two hours long
- Phone is silenced and kept in a drawer
- Taped to my monitor: a sign that reads “Do Not Disturb from 8am – 12pm”
- Follow the same ‘Shutdown ritual’ every day
Read more of his suggestions here.
My own new rules are:
💧 Get up to stretch and fill my glass of water between meetings or every hour-ish
🌳 Have my lunch break away from the screen and go for a walk (at least around the block)
🎧 Close Slack when I need to focus for a while