Recommended ReadsOctober 29th, 2019

Last week, I went to Wendy’s excellent SDNOW talk on the parallels between good visual journalism and design communication. One of the central points: doing good journalism and good design communication both take time, because condensing complex points of policy or politics in a coherent and concise narrative is hard work. Communicating it in a way that resonates with your audience is even harder work.
One of the most opaque and scary areas of technology right now is the use of AI to translate any available inputs to make assessments of people’s emotional states. What inputs, you ask? Well the tiny supercomputer you carry with you pretty much always can scan your face in incredible detail (Hello, Face ID), knows where you are, the phone calls you make, which friends you talk to, what you watch, and… you get it. What does this mean in practice?
STEALING UR FEELINGS is a brilliant piece of design communication that explores some of the implications. I don’t want to give it away other than to say, the conversations you will want to have immediately after watching it are probably the conversations we should be having. So, let’s have them!
Give yourself about 5 minutes and leave the sound on – works best on Chrome desktop.